Our Story
- Complete renovation of L’Épicerie in Grand Bay.
- New concept of a gourmet light lunch restaurant at L’Épicerie Tamarin.
- Global GAP certification for Proxifresh Rwanda.
- First imports of fruits from Lebanon.
- We produce our first kWh of electricity from solar energy; our 200-kWp facility enables us to cover 40% of our electricity consumption.
- We build new refrigerated rooms to store our fruits & vegetables.
- We acquire all L’Épicerie shops, a leading brand on the Mauritian market, with over 24 years’ experience in delicatessen.
- We acquire over 1,000 m2 of office, storage and packing space, to enable the diversification of our activities.
We invest in a vertical hydroponic salad production unit, based on American technology “Freight Farms” - a first in Mauritius!
We diversify our activities through the distribution of meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products, ethnic goods and delicatessen items, for the greatest pleasure of our customers.
Conscious of our environmental impact, we evaluate our carbon footprint for the first time.
- COVID encourages us to start delivering our products to individuals and develop an e-commerce website to better carry out this activity. As a result, we end the year with a 13% growth.
We are the first in Mauritius to switch from plastic to cardboard trays, even before such regulatory requirements are enforced across the island.
Successful launch of the Sweet C mandarin brand on the Mauritian market.
- 1st fruits & vegetables processing workshop, with a view to give new life to our products, hence reducing food waste.
- Shutdown of Proxifresh Tanzania Ltd; a setback constituting a rewarding experience!
- Construction of our new pack house in Mauritius; 1,000 m2 of storage and packing space.
Opening of our Tanzanian subsidiary, Proxifresh Tanzania Ltd, cultivating fruits & vegetables at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro.
- Opening of our Rwandan subsidiary, Proxifresh Rwanda Ltd, to supply fruits & vegetables to the European retail market. Proxifresh Rwanda Ltd becomes the first company to export fruits & vegetables from Rwanda.
- Start of a supply contract with our first hotel client in Mauritius.
Launch of VegMe, offering quality fruits & vegetables to our customers.
1st supply contract with South African supermarket chain PicknPay, for the provision of all their fruits & vegetables in Mauritius.
1st fruits & vegetables packing and processing workshop in Mauritius, with a view to provide our customers with ready-to-use products.
Incorporation of Proxifresh Ltd, which objective is to provide Mauritians with fresh and healthy fruits & vegetables.
An attentive team
Quality products
Strong values
“Since its inception, Proxifresh has put an emphasis on quality and innovation to ensure its growth. Today, our teams dedicate their time and energy to building trust relationships with all our customers. We are committed to developing tomorrow’s products & services, today.”
- Yan Mayer, Managing Director
The development of preferred partnerships with our suppliers enables us to provide consumers with the best food products!

200 employees in Mauritius
+20 partner farms
150 hectares
under cultivation
+100 employees and +600 field workers working on partner farms