Reaching the “zero food waste”

Atteindre le « zéro food waste »

  • Over 100 tonnes of bruised fruits & vegetables processed every year, then sold as transformed or frozen products.
  • 51 tonnes of fresh fruits & vegetables redistributed through 48 NGOs in 2022, representing over 207,000 meals.
  • Fruits & vegetables distributed to local farmers every year, so they can feed their animals.

Achieving carbon neutrality by 2030

Atteindre la neutralité en carbone d’ici 2025

  • The use of smart metres and other technologies to optimise our energy consumption.
  • 40% of our electricity consumption produced from solar energy, with a view to go off grid by 2030.
  • Supporting our suppliers in reducing their carbon footprint.

Eliminating plastic

Éliminer les emballages plastiques

  • Elimination of 90% plastic from our packaging, in favour of cardboard or paper trays.
  • Constantly on the lookout for innovations to completely eliminate plastic from our packaging.

Providing our customers with healthy, pesticide-free products

Offrir à nos clients des produits sains et sans pesticides

  • Production of hydroponic salads within a controlled environment, free of pesticides, thanks to the “Freight Farm” technology.
  • Greehouse-grown tomatoes, free of pesticides, in collaboration with our partner, Island Basket.
  • Over 180 pesticide tests carried out on our products these past 3 years.